Discover the Health Care division of IVM Micrologistics Zrt. through the thoughts of Major Krisztián, the division’s leader. In this interview excerpt, Krisztián reveals how IVM’s innovative solutions can bring efficiency and enhanced patient safety to the healthcare sector. Join us as we explore the objectives of the Health Care division and the advantages it offers.

How can equipment rationalization be achieved in the healthcare sector? Can patient safety be increased with an automated system?

One of our main goals is to simplify and make more efficient the traditional approaches in healthcare, particularly in the usage of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) and inventory management. IVM’s existing or advanced dispensing machines are well-suited for hospitals, increasing savings and reducing the administrative burdens on healthcare staff.
With controlled usage, less waste is generated, and a measurable cost reduction of at least 20-30% is observed. IVM’s data-driven solutions shorten and simplify the processes of procurement, billing, and inventory management.
I believe that our latest innovation offers great potential in enhancing patient safety in the future, as it provides a measurable solution to a critical healthcare challenge. Our AI-supported automatic medication dispensers focus on safe patient care. The rate of medication errors is over 10% worldwide, leading to severe human, legal, and ethical difficulties.
Our goal is to eliminate medication errors and ensure controlled access to medications in hospitals and healthcare institutions. The automatic medication dispenser grants access only to the appropriate medications and only to authorized individuals, optimizing the supply chain, and generating on-demand reports and statistics.

"We are proud that our development has won the 'Quality Innovation 2023' award. Our machines support high-level sustainability and responsible usage."
– Major Krisztián, Leader of our Health Care Division